速報APP / 生產應用 / Papa Launcher

Papa Launcher





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:33 rue André Thouin 76230 Isneauville France

Papa Launcher(圖1)-速報App

Papa Launcher replace your home screen with one you can customize. Change texts, colors, add visual effects and more.

Papa Launcher is built using Unity, the popular and highly optimized 3D game engine. It allows Papa Launcher to run smoothly with low impact on the battery while providing great visual effects.

Papa Launcher(圖2)-速報App

Visual effects : Add stuning visual effects for many actions (when moving or droping an icon, when scrolling throught desktops...)

3D widget drawer : with reflection and spotlight

Papa Launcher(圖3)-速報App

Color controls : change color for folders and icon labels

Customizable dock : The dock can be customized with background or visual effects

Papa Launcher(圖4)-速報App

Realtime settings : Each setting changes can be previewed in realtime

App drawer : Quickly open your app using the built-in search feature of the App drawer or hide unused apps that you cannot uninstall.

Papa Launcher(圖5)-速報App