速報APP / 商業 / Komal Trading Corporation

Komal Trading Corporation



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Komal Trading Corporation(圖1)-速報App

Komal Trading Corporation provides tailor-made household solutions

Komal Trading Corporation(圖2)-速報App

Established in the year 1985," Komal Trading Corporation" is a reputed name engaged in manufacturing, supplying, trading and exporting a wide range of Household utensils & Kitchenware. Our Products are designed to facilitate the Customer Like working women, housewife, professional cooks, and many others. Moreover, Oil Can, Oil Dispenser, Oil Pot, Freeze Bottle, Dhokla Stand, Multi-Purpose Set, Idly Stand, Idly Cooker and many others those we offer are available in different & unique designs. We also have an industry professional who continuously works on feedback suggested by our clients.

Komal Trading Corporation(圖3)-速報App

Through our vast experience, we are able to understand customer's requirements and make our products user-friendly. For this, we procure the tested raw material from the reliable sources.

Additionally,​ our capability to provide tailor-made solution enables us in enhancing our customer satisfaction. All these factories have made our products largely popular in National & International Market.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad