速報APP / 生產應用 / DesktopMonitor




檔案大小:944.7 KB


版本需求:OS X 10.6 或以上版本


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This App is in order to monitor Intel Mac's fans speed, CPU/GPU temperature, CPU Usage, Memory Usage and shows the result on the top of your desktop. It can show the temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.

*Note: If you installed last version of Desktop Monitor on your Mac, please resize the message window after the update. It will bring you more message (CPU/Memory Usage) to you. Enjoy :)

*Note: The GPU temperature is not supported on some Macs. For example, The MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Macmini with Integrated Graphics card as Intel HD 3000, nVida 9400m etc. (For Intel HD 3000, it is integrated in the CPU, for nVidia 9400m, it is integrated in the North bridge.)


*Please note that, If you change your system's Font via third-party apps, the result MAY not be well-aligned.

*Check out our new website http://www.ioriginal.com.cn.