版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本
(Please watch the demo video for an better explanation of the app)
Today, we think that addictions make us happier, but, in fact, it's the opposite.We cut our time spend on our work,our relationships and our health just to scroll a little bit more on face book .Phone addiction is one of the biggest causes for depression,anxiety and suicide. And we are here to stop it. Solving math problems before opening addictive apps is a clever way to cut your time spend on those apps. It's like having a candy in front of you and not opening it. Here are the key features of the app:
- Reduce phone time, reduce phone usage and reduce screen time
- Solving math problems before opening any app
- A quick way to add custom shortcuts to your homescreen
- A way to modify how much problems you want to solve
- A way to chose between 3 types of problems(you can have them all at the same time)
- A quick way to leave feedback without opening the app
- A beautiful interface
Maybe the best thing we can do to our brains is to take a social media break
Bfree is the #1 free productivity app ,mobile addiction app, best addiction app , anti smartphone addiction that can help you block app.
Bfree is a app blocker free to use , an app blocker productivity based , a social media app blocker
Bfree is the best blocker app that can help you break your phone addiction , a social media blocker
Bfree enters the category of focusing apps, free productivity apps, freedom productivity, mobile addiction apps, free productivity tools
Bfree is a phone addiction app, a phone addiction controller, a mobile addiction control, a mobile blocker, a phone addiction blocker, a phone time manager , a phone productivity app, phone usage app tracker , a phone usage limiter
Bfree can help you controll your smartphone addiction, your social media addiction
Stay focused !