速報APP / 攝影 / BlendCamera - Double Exposure

BlendCamera - Double Exposure



檔案大小:40.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:簡體中文, 英語

BlendCamera - Double Exposure(圖1)-速報App

Say goodbye to the era of post-editing. BlendCamera makes multi-exposure photography more intuitive. You get what you see. With this app, you will be able to superimpose pictures exactly how you want to, with greater accuracy.

BlendCamera supports unlimited overlaying with many features. Multiple gradient modes and manual transparency adjustments are sure to unlock your imagination. On top of that, the brightness transparency options will leave your possibilities endless. All of this enjoyment can be conveniently shared with your friends through social media.

From now on, you will be a professional photographer with unlimited possibilities.

Key features of BlendCamera include:

Unlimited Overlay

There is no limit on how many times you can overlay your pictures. This lets your imagination and creativity run wild.

BlendCamera - Double Exposure(圖2)-速報App

Overlay Modes

Modes include: translucent, soft light, color filter, multiply, brightness, color deepen, color dodge, color difference, blurry, and more.

Gradient overlay can be applied in eight different directions. This allows you to create special effects like the "twin" and the "city reflection". Many more possibilities await your discovery.

Brightness Transparency

By using the brightness transparency option, you can easily select either bright transparent or dark transparent.

Transparency Adjustment

BlendCamera - Double Exposure(圖3)-速報App

You can manually control transparency through a scroll bar. This gives you much greater control when overlaying pictures.

Endless Possibilities

Overlay mode, gradient mode, brightness transparency, and transparency adjustment can be combined in any way you prefer. Endless combination gives you endless possibilities.

One-Click Color Filter

Pre-loaded color filtering profiles can be applied with the push of a button. Easily beautify your pictures.


BlendCamera - Double Exposure(圖4)-速報App

Through Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Sina Microblog, Wechat and camera films, you can easily share your creation of multi-exposure photography.

BlendCamera - Double Exposure(圖5)-速報App
