速報APP / 遊戲 / Balloon Smasher Quest

Balloon Smasher Quest





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Gulberg Eden Tower UG - 54, Lahore

Balloon Smasher Quest(圖1)-速報App

Balloon Smasher Quest is specially designed balloon game for younger. The strategy is Balloons fly from the ground up in the attractive sky, tap them to smash or pop Balloons in this balloon pop game.

But you don’t tap on any beautiful things like butterfly or something else. If you tap a butterfly, the game is over. Make sure you avoid the any things except balloons.

Balloon Smasher Quest(圖2)-速報App

Multiple Mode in Balloon Smasher Quest:

1) Classic Mode

Balloon Smasher Quest(圖3)-速報App

There are some Innocent Balloons that may skip your touch that is not a problem but you just pretend to smash the other things. Some are really fast while some are lazy ones are will be ground up.

And yes there are bees and butterflies too, wandering here & there with protecting the few balloons. (You should not kill something so beautiful.)

Balloon Smasher Quest(圖4)-速報App

2) Challenge Mode

You can't miss a single balloon and don’t tab on the black balloon that have a red warning/cross sign. .

Balloon Smasher Quest(圖5)-速報App

3) Levels Mode

In levels mode many different attractive levels are included in this balloon pop game and instructions are also given in each level (In the start of level) about what you will do and level will be completed.

Balloon Smasher Quest(圖6)-速報App


1. Three mode

Balloon Smasher Quest(圖7)-速報App

2. Different color Balloons

3. Different size Balloons.

4. Different innocent balloons with attractive paths pattern.