版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本
.::What We Do
Welcome to the LGBT+AtList! Your source for LGBT+ friendly places of business, vacation spots, healthcare and more!
.::Why We Do
We started this during our own journey as a same-sex couple trying to start a family and felt it would have been helpful for us to have a resource with LGBT+ friendly clinics. Planning weddings, buying houses, starting your family, romantic honeymoons, traveling are some of the HUGEST events in our lives and worrying about how we will be treated by those guiding us through these journeys is the last thing we need to do. We are providing this platform for all of us to curate and collaborate on, so that none of us have to face a bad experience that we do not deserve simply because of who we are and who we love.
.::How We Do
Be our contributors, this app has come from a place of contribution to our community. Our goal is to make this a place you trust for the most up-to-date information. This is a living and breathing resource and a place to leave recommendations within the app and directly to your developers (us). If you would like to contribute please email us your submissions! The more content the better and the more we can help each other in a world where discrimination still exists.
Don't wonder anymore if you will be accepted. Walk in with confidence knowing you are!
Much Love,
The LGBT+AtList Team ❤