速報APP / 健康塑身 / Meri Vanni-muft

Meri Vanni-muft



檔案大小:35.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 5.1.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Meri Vanni-muft(圖1)-速報App

Meri Vaani helps people with word finding difficulties to practise Naming Techniques and improve Word Retrieval. Developed by Speech and Language Therapists, Meri Vaani uses evidence-based techniques to treat conditions such as aphasia, stroke, dementia, alzheimer’s and autism. It now includes over 10 high quality pictures with support for high-density Retina displays, over 70 Cues, Testing and Progress Reports to document patients’ progress.

Key Features of Meri Vaani FREE

10 images, retina displays supported (Upgrade to Full version for 100 images)

Meri Vanni-muft(圖2)-速報App

70 audio & written cues (Upgrade for over 900 cues)

Picture Customisation: Option to omit pictures and create a favourites list

Testing: Test 10 words (Upgrade to Full version for additional testing options)

Meri Vanni-muft(圖3)-速報App

Progress Reports: View patient progress showing results over time and by test type

Meri Vaani is used in clinical and home settings to treat a range of speech disorders .

Using Meri Vaani helps with

Meri Vanni-muft(圖4)-速報App

• Word finding or naming skills

• Receptive and expressive language

Our users like the accessibility of the app and the simplicity of the interface. Just download the app and begin your naming practice using the hi-res photographic images, audio and written cues.

Meri Vanni-muft(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad