速報APP / 美食佳飲 / FairMeals






版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本





FairMeals helps fighting food waste and hunger by giving gastronomy businesses a chance to announce meals/food, that needs to be consumed before the end of the day or service shift, through our platform in real-time. We provide the linkage to a broad audience of clients, which can pick-up those offered meals/food at highly discounted prices from their favorite gastronomy business (e.g. bakery, restaurant, hotel or supermarket).

Also, every time a gastronomy business has a reservation canceled, instead of putting the extra dishes already semi-prepared in the garbage, they can be sold through FairMeals with a discount.

With each meal sold through our platform we contribute to a sustainable future of our planet. Besides, we take a share of our commission to help people in need of food.

Every year 18.4 million tons of edible food ends up in landfills in Germany alone. This corresponds to ⅓ of the current national food consumption which equals more than 80 kg per person p.a. 10 million tons of it would be avoidable. The gastronomy sector alone counts for 1 Million tons.

We want to change! Together with you, we want to save food from being thrown away unnecessarily. The more food we can save, the higher our impact for a sustainable future will be. In fact, nature needs your support today!

By using FairMeals you do 4x good:

1. Save money, by eating delicious meals at discounted prices

2. Help the environment, because more food on the table means less emissions for the environment


3. Help people in need of food, because we take 5% of our commission for each purchased meal to support those that really need a meal

4. Support your local community and help to minimize the disposal of surplus food

That is how it works:

1. Download our the FairMeals-App and register

2. Search for an offer near you and reserve it

3. Pick up the dish within the given time window and easily pay at the counter - no pre-payment needed

4. Enjoy your meal, alone or with friends

5. If you liked the dish, mark it as favorite. You will then be notified whenever your favorite dish is offered.


Do you want to enjoy FairMeals also in your city? Then ask in your favorite restaurant, if they want to become meal savers. If they want to know more about us, let us know their contact details and we will get in touch with them: info@fairmeals.com.

Follow us on:

Webseite: www.fairmeals.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/fairmeals

Instagram: www.instagram.com/fairmeals

LinkedIn: www.linkedIn.com/fairmeals

You have questions, suggestions for improvements or need help? Then get in contact with us through our social media accounts or send an e-mail to:



We are looking forward to hearing from you!
