速報APP / 遊戲 / Dr. Greenie's Magnotronics

Dr. Greenie's Magnotronics


檔案大小:341.7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 5.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Dr. Greenie's Magnotronics(圖1)-速報App

Dr. Greenie’s Magnotronics is the second interactive app to come from the Mad Lab. Targeted at the mad scientist in all of us, it’s a child safe, immersive environment that is all about having fun while learning about general science. Watch the appisode and play the game as Dr. Greenie and his pals GP and Bookworm take on the mischievous Skink who is up to her old tricks again. Dr. Greenie’s Magnotronics presents never-ending opportunities for fun, entertainment and education with a unique mixture of silly stories and fact-based science that are fresh and evergreen.


Animal Magnetism is Dr. Greenie's latest appisode. In this narrative-driven scientific adventure, the Skink has played havoc with the magnetism in the Mad Lab, prompting Greenie to invent a "Reversotronic" machine of his own. The results are predictably hilarious!

Dr. Greenie's Magnotronics(圖2)-速報App


This new game picks up right where the appisode ends, as Dr. Greenie and his mates find themselves flying around the Mab Lab trying to catch some items while avoiding all kinds of crazy obstacles! Play the game to see how many splendiferous achievements you can add to your list!


Dr. Greenie's Magnotronics(圖3)-速報App

Ever dreamed of having your own Mad Lab!? Well, now you can by earning stickers in the Magnotronics game and creating a picture of you own virtual Mad Lab. Take a snapshot of your creation and share it with your friends to see who has the coolest and wackiest picture!

Dr. Greenie's Magnotronics(圖4)-速報App
