速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Soundcraft ViSi Remote

Soundcraft ViSi Remote



檔案大小:46.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Soundcraft ViSi Remote(圖1)-速報App


Soundcraft ViSi Remote 3.5.1 is an iOS application that allows remote control of Soundcraft Vi, Si Compact, Si Performer, Si Expression and Si Impact mixing consoles wirelessly from your iPad device using no additional hardware other than a wireless access router connected to the Harman HiQnet® Ethernet port of the console.

With ViSi Remote you are free to roam your venue and adjust mixes and other audio parameters directly from the iPad.


• Optimise the front of house mix from anywhere in the room

• Set mic gains and 48V from the stage

• Adjust monitor levels while standing next to the artist

• Adjust channel strip settings remote from the console

• Use to extend the fader count of an existing control surface

• Use in standalone mode for familiarisation with console functions

• Control a network of consoles (e.g. FOH and Monitor)

• Provide a separate surface for DMX functionality (Si Performer only)

• Allow multiple users on the same console to control their own mixes

• Have a global metering overview or “meter bridge” as an extension of the console

ViSi Remote 3.5.1 Console Minimum Software Requirements:

(Latest software is available on the Soundcraft website)

Soundcraft ViSi Remote(圖2)-速報App

Si Impact: 1.0 build 0010 or higher

Si Performer: 1.6 build or higher

Si Expression: 1.6 build or higher

Si Compact: 3.0 build or higher

Vi1/2/4/6: 4.9 or higher

Vi200: 6.4 or higher

Vi400/600: 6.3 or higher

Vi1000: 6.3 or higher

Vi2000: 6.3 or higher

Vi3000: 6.3 or higher

Vi5000/7000: 6.3 or higher

Note: For Vi & Si consoles, the latest software listed above is needed in order to access the full channel processing and metering functions. Older software versions would result in basic functionality with fader, mute, mix and GEQ settings only.

ViSi Remote 3.5.1 iOS Compatibility:

iOS 6 or higher.

Note: iPad 1 devices are not compatible with iOS 6 and cannot use the ViSi 3.4 Remote App.

ViSi 1.2.4 is still available for iPad 1 users wishing to use the ViSi Remote App.

Soundcraft ViSi Remote(圖3)-速報App

In order to be able to download version 1.2.4 for iPad 1 you need to have a download history on your App Store account, so it may be necessary to download the app to a computer first to create this before trying to download on the pre-iOS 6 device.

Functions controlled:

• Channel naming

• Input faders and mutes

• Bus, master LR and VCA master faders and mutes

• Channel strip settings, including:

- Mic Gain, Digital Trim and 48V

- Phase Invert

- HPF & LPF (LPF only on Vi consoles)

- Delay

- Channel EQ with grabable parametric EQ curve

- Gate and Compression settings

- Pan

- LR and Mono (C) bus routing

• Graphic EQs on all bus outs

• Channel contributions to each Aux Mix

Soundcraft ViSi Remote(圖4)-速報App

• Channel contributions to each FX bus (Si consoles only)

• Mix contributions to each matrix bus

• DMX Masters (Si Performer Only)

Soundcraft ViSi Remote(圖5)-速報App
