版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
This app, allows you to track your investments in different mutual funds across all AMC's from a single place. The mutual funds could be serviced either by CAMS or KARVY.
*) Track the value of your investments in any mutual fund.
*) Check NAV of mutual fund
*) Check returns of mutual fund
*) Compare the returns of mutual fund
The required fund information is obtained from the api's available at https://www.amfiindia.com/net-asset-value/nav-history . Only the information of fund you select is downloaded. On some days(especially on Mondays), the NAV values returned by these api's could be older by two days. But then, if you are investing in mutual funds you need not track it on a daily basis.
Keywords: NAV, Mutual Funds, Mutual Fund Returns, Check Nav