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A Revolutionary E-Commerce Store, Arrivo the Prototype for other Similar Stores

Online shopping is a popular trend around the world and is also a very popular trend in India. There are so many e-commerce websites in India and online shopping portals offer great deals. At Arrivo, we are a digital platform for Brand Owners, Freelancers, Licensees and Trendsetter and we select and promote the best talent in India. We function as a virtual shop window for India’s top up and coming fresh new talent, offering an attractive reward system for loyal customers. Whether your talent lies in photography, designing, painting or you’re a craftsman, getting exposure from our platform will mean more interest and enquiries coming your way .

Products from Emerging Labels and Designers


At Arrivo we don’t just sell amazing clothes from leading brand names which bring sophistication and sexy allure on the catwalks, most of our clothing, accessories, lifestyle, paintings, etc., come from emerging independent labels and designers. With a generous selection of men- and women’s clothing plus one-of-a-kind accessories, online shopping, fashion lovers can choose stylish jeans, t-shirts, trousers, shirts, knitwear, suits and jackets and everything in between. One look at our e-commerce store will reveal that you can spluge and get style for less from each season’s collection. The beauty with making use of our services is that we don’t involve any 3rd parties. At Arrivo, to maintain our high standard, we check out personal details and products carefully to ensure that those using our services have access to only the very best.

Every year new talent is emerging in different fields, and at Arrivo, we like to discover and offer new talent the chance to get their skills recognized. We provide a platform for them to show off their talent. Some of India’s rising fashion stars offer must-have items which you will want to know about. For instance, a fashionable collection of chic, modern clothing, shoes, and accessories can be seen at Arrivo, and customers can view the classical designs of outstanding quality as a guest or as registered customer.

Go Anywhere Fashions


As a private online showroom for buyers and a great store for anyone else, our aim is to simply search for and give visibility to new Indian freelancers, fashion designers, photographers, craftsmen among others and to help their brands get exposure on this platform and of course through social networks.


支援平台:iPhone, iPad