速報APP / 工具 / FaceCam-Recorder






版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Made with ❤️ in India


FaceCam converts your android phone into a smart face-activated CCTV system.

FaceCam-Recorder app lets you use your android phone as a remote face-activated CCTV system. Just run this app and place your phone in well-lit area focusing on people's face. Every time FaceCam-Recorder detects a face it will take a picture and you will get a notification on FaceCam-Viewer app. You can instantly see what is going on.

How to use FaceCam system?

FaceCam system has 2 parts:-

a) FaceCam-Recorder: An app to convert your spare android phone into a smart face-activated CCTV Recorder

b) FaceCam-Viewer: An app to view/share/delete the pictures taken by FaceCam-Recorder

Steps to use FaceCam-Recorder

1. Take a spare android phone (Android 5.0+) which you want to convert to be used as CCTV recorder

2. Connect the phone to always-on internet, either wifi or mobile data

3. Install FaceCam-Recorder app on it and sign-in with your google account


4. Place the recorder phone in a well-lit area such that it gets a clear view of people's face walking/entering in the area

5. Connect the recorder phone to charging and lower it's brightness to minimum to keep it always-on

6. Now it is ready to take pictures whenever it detects a face

Note:- Make sure to keep the phone unlocked all the time and the application running

Steps to use FaceCam-Viewer

1. Use another android phone (Android 5.0+) to view the pictures taken by FaceCam-Recorder

2. Install FaceCam-Viewer app on it and sign-in with your google account (same account you signed in with on FaceCam-Recorder)

3. You will get the list of all the pictures taken by FaceCam-Recorder

4. You will also get a notification every time a new picture is taken

5. You can monitor the Online/Offline status of your FaceCam-Recorder


Note:- Topup your Snaps when they are low. Each picture consumes 1 Snap