速報APP / 遊戲 / First Mile's Recyclie

First Mile's Recyclie





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:157 Manhattan Building, 60 Fairfield Road, E3 2UJ

First Mile's Recyclie(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to First Mile’s recycling plant, items are falling onto the conveyor thick and fast and Recyclie Rat needs your help with the sorting, in fact, he needs you to do all the sorting because he’s a rat.

First Mile's Recyclie(圖2)-速報App

Time to get your recycling hard hat on, your mission is to launch the items into the right bin. You must choose between mixed recycling, food recycling and a zero to landfill incineration but be quick else they will all fall into the furnace!

First Mile's Recyclie(圖3)-速報App

You must act with care, if you get an item into the wrong bin you’ll contaminate the load and it won’t be recycled! ☹

First Mile's Recyclie(圖4)-速報App

A bin can only hold so much! When the bins are full make sure you empty them so you can continue on your material sorting quest! When First Mile bags start appearing chuck them into the truck for a special bonus.

First Mile's Recyclie(圖5)-速報App

You have three lives so keep sorting for as long as you can. The longer you survive the faster it gets, the higher the score and the more you recycle!

First Mile's Recyclie(圖6)-速報App

What are you waiting for? Become a planet saver and improve your recycling skills with Recyclie, but be warned it’s addictive!

First Mile's Recyclie(圖7)-速報App

It’s a no brainer, if you’re playing games for some mindless fun then why not sharpen your recycling skills at the same time?! We could all be better planet savers so why not start now?

First Mile's Recyclie(圖8)-速報App

Enjoyed the game? Let us know about it via Twitter , Instagram or Facebook using #planetsaver.