速報APP / 生活品味 / Accurize




檔案大小:10.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



The free Accurize app is designed to work with the Accurize targeting system.

- Connect to your Accurize target to log your shots.

- Use the Accurize app with multiple weapons with individual characteristics stored for easy recall.

- The Accurize app records and reports your progress and history with each weapon or target.

This app requires Bluetooth BLE hardware on your device to operate along with the Accurize Target hardware. Please do not install without either.


Connecting to an Accurize target

Ensure Accurize target is on and fully charged. Go to Settings->Target->Connect to target, hit scan and select target address that appears on screen. The app will now connect and return to settings screen once connected and target address is display under Target.

Reconnect to Accurize target on app start up

On the settings screen select "Reconnect On App Start" to on.


Users are different people with their own weapons and history stored on the app.

To add a user go to Settings->Users->Add User. Use the weapon name options to rename or remove a weapon.



Each user can configure as many weapons as they like. Each weapon has it's own configuration options for target and sight adjustment. If you wish to use the same weapon with different target types then create multiple weapons within the app to allow you to compare progress accurately.

To add a weapon go to Settings->Users->[User Name]->Add Weapon. Use the weapon name options to rename the weapon. Touch the weapon name to see the weapon settings.

Target type: The target type used with this weapon

Session Length: The number of shots in a session

Shot Sound: The sound played back when a shot is received.

Sight Adjustment: Use these settings to add correction for your weapons sight.

Record shooting session

On the home screen touch the user icon to change user, touch the sight icon to change weapon. These will be remembered next time you start the app. If you are connected to an Accurize target the "Start Session" button will become visible. Touch "Start Session", your shots will be displayed on the target and scores displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Once all session shots have been fired the app stores the session so it can be viewed from the history screen.

Viewing my history

To view your previous results and compare your progress touch the chart button on the home screen when you have completed the latest shooting session.

Select your weapon and then you are presented with graphs detailing your average progress over sessions.

Touch a result from the list to get the just the results from a particular session.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad