版本需求:Android 因裝置而異
!!! IT IS NOT 3DS EMULATOR. It just used to control ANDROID.
0.6.1 - add joystick driver (analog)
0.6.0 - add virtual mouse mode.
this app use NDS (nintendo DS), 3DS is a android's gamepad. it connect via internet with TCP and UDP port 2001(make sure rounter doesn't block TCP and UDP). it can control your game or application with virtual keyboard (change IME) or touch screen(require rooted). so it is necessary to install 2 programs (mobile and (nds or 3ds) ) as follows.
server (this app)
- press vitually button via IME.
*root required
- root required(SuperSu recomment).
- to find a certain eventX number of touchscreen use this app, getevent
- auto shutdown when screen off.
- can connect touch screen device and can set 5 positions.
- can use circlepad, cstick (auto slide).
client download http://edicpop.blogspot.com
1. edpJoyDs, edpJoy3DS
- can adjust response.
- can open text file(eTXT) for reading or find meaning.
- have dictionary program(eDIC).
- auto shutdown.
- record and play the button pressings.
- support cstick (can use Y,X,B,A instead cstick).
- support circlepad (can use UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT instead circlepad).
- download from http://edicpop.blogspot.com/2015/02/edpjoy.html
2. edicpopAND : eJOY
- use an acceleromter as circlepad 3 mode.
1. X-axis and Y-axis.
2. only X-axis.
3. X-axis with Y-axis as button B A.
- use a touchscreen as button Y X B A.
- download from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.edicpopand
setting directly wifi hotspot
- goto setting->more...->portable hotspot->configure wifi hotspot
- Security select Open
- config WFC from nds game.
- run edpJoyDs then enter ip =