速報APP / 娛樂 / Free Sticker with Sound Affect

Free Sticker with Sound Affect





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Aoyama Bldg.3F,1-2-3 Kitaaoyama,Minato-ku,Tokyo 107-0061 Japan

Free Sticker with Sound Affect(圖1)-速報App

Free Stickers with Sound for Messenger App!

Cacao talk and LINE becomes more fun!

Free Sticker with Sound Affect(圖2)-速報App

This is an application contain a lot of stamps that can be used in LINE.

You can send many stamps you want, to LINE with just a one tap.

Free Sticker with Sound Affect(圖3)-速報App

Registration is not required

This application does not require your registration and you can use it for free of charge.

Free Sticker with Sound Affect(圖4)-速報App

Stamps with sound effects has been just created exclusively in the world.

You can send stamps with sound effects in LINE.

Free Sticker with Sound Affect(圖5)-速報App

Also you can see a preview of your chosen stamps before sending, please try and see how it works.

Three divided categories to make it easy to use.

Free Sticker with Sound Affect(圖6)-速報App

Stamps are divided into three categories of feelings, 'Silly', 'Positive' and 'Negative' so that you can easily find suitable mood at the time.

This application have had already virus scene and permission check by Andrioder.

Free Sticker with Sound Affect(圖7)-速報App

This application does not contain any personal data so that you can enjoy it safely.

You can find information about the developer of this application confirmed by Androider from here.

Free Sticker with Sound Affect(圖8)-速報App

This application is unofficial application of LINE.

This application has no relation with LINE Corporation.

Free Sticker with Sound Affect(圖9)-速報App