速報APP / 教育 / National Flags(Play & Learn!)

National Flags(Play & Learn!)





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:大阪市西区阿波座1-4-4 野村不動産四ツ橋ビル2F

National Flags(Play & Learn!)(圖1)-速報App

National Flags (Play & Learn! Series)

This is an app for memorizing the national flags of 193 countries.

National Flags(Play & Learn!)(圖2)-速報App

Touch the national flag of the country to answer.

If you touch the magnifying glass on a question's map, it will zoom in or out.

National Flags(Play & Learn!)(圖3)-速報App

Try using it when you can't tell where the capital of a small country is.

There are hidden problems in the app. You can try them if you complete some condition.

National Flags(Play & Learn!)(圖4)-速報App

Enjoy mental calisthenics with this app by competing with your friends or family members in the ranking or by simply working to increase your own score.

National Flags(Play & Learn!)(圖5)-速報App