速報APP / 生活品味 / Pre Wedding Photoshoot

Pre Wedding Photoshoot





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Pre Wedding Photoshoot(圖1)-速報App

Pre Wedding Photoshoot

Pre Wedding Photoshoot - Today, Pre Wedding Couple photoshoot has become almost a mandatory ritual for many couples. Couples roams for locations, and themes for their photoshoot and want to make it one of the most special memory of their wedding.

They take their photographer to their favourite places, places where they have been on dates with each other or proposed to each other.

- Nature Photoshoot

- Still Life Photoshoot

- Abstract Photoshoot

- Portrait Photoshoot

Pre Wedding Photoshoot(圖2)-速報App

- Fashion Photoshoot

- Advertising Photoshoot

- Wildlife Photoshoot

- Wedding Photoshoot

- Fashion Photoshoot

- Beauty Photoshoot

- Nature Photoshoot

Pre Wedding Photoshoot(圖3)-速報App

- Wildlife Photoshoot

Pre Wedding Photoshoot(圖4)-速報App