速報APP / 攝影 / SymbolGram - 照片形狀編輯

SymbolGram - 照片形狀編輯


檔案大小:43.9 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:簡體中文, 繁體中文, 英語

SymbolGram - 照片形狀編輯(圖1)-速報App

▲ Top in Photography in many countries!!! ▲


▲ SymbolGram is allowing you to edit your photo in a very special way!!▲

▲ Style, have fun and share your photos in a NEW way! ▲

▲ Come CROP your photo, SHAPE your photo and SYMBOL your photo in a stylish way!!▲

▲ There's now more FONTS, COLORS, and SYMBOL SHAPES to choose from!▲

SymbolGram - 照片形狀編輯(圖2)-速報App

▲ And a wider options to share your CREATIONS!!!▲


▲ Take a photo or choose one from your camera roll

▲ Scale, crop and edit your photo with different frames from SymbolGram

▲ Share it to your friends through different platforms!!


SymbolGram - 照片形狀編輯(圖3)-速報App

▲ Choose 2 photos from your camera roll and one of it will be overlay as the Symbol frame.

▲ Crop your photo, choose a frame and edit your photo

▲ Change the opacity, rotate and edit the photo of your symbol frame

▲ Share it to your friends through different platforms!!

▲ Tag your photos with #SymbolGram wherever you share your photo and keep us updated with your creation!▲

▲ Don't forget to like our Facebook Page and follow us on Instagram @appovision▲

SymbolGram - 照片形狀編輯(圖4)-速報App

▲ Get *SymbolGram PRO* if you want an AD FREE version of SymbolGram!! ▲

SymbolGram - 照片形狀編輯(圖5)-速報App
