速報APP / 遊戲 / duck season: Duck Hunt Horror

duck season: Duck Hunt Horror





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Teknopark, A1 Blok 1B50, Davutpaşa/İstanbul

duck season: Duck Hunt Horror(圖1)-速報App

Duck season is officially started! You came along an epic hunting area while walking near a beautiful lake! What are you waiting for, Go Get Your Rifle And Start Hunting Ducks!

duck season: Duck Hunt Horror(圖2)-速報App

"This duck hunt game reminds me of the good old game I played when I was a kid."

duck season: Duck Hunt Horror(圖3)-速報App

"I loved how addictive that shooting birds with a sniper rifle."

duck season: Duck Hunt Horror(圖4)-速報App

"Perfect game for free times. Highly recommended!"

duck season: Duck Hunt Horror(圖5)-速報App

You will be addicted to satisfying duck shoots in this duck game.

duck season: Duck Hunt Horror(圖6)-速報App

duck season: Duck Hunt Horror(圖7)-速報App

duck season: Duck Hunt Horror(圖8)-速報App