版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本
Texinfo is the official documentation format of the GNU project. It was invented by Richard Stallman and Bob Chassell many years ago, loosely based on Brian Reid's Scribe and other formatting languages of the time. It is used by many non-GNU projects as well.
Texinfo uses a single source file to produce output in a number of formats, both online and printed (dvi, html, info, pdf, xml, etc.). This means that instead of writing different documents for online information and another for a printed manual, you need write only one document. And when the work is revised, you need revise only that one document. The Texinfo system is well-integrated with GNU Emacs
The TexInfo Refernce provides beginners with a simple introduction to the basics, and experts will find advanced details they need.
In this you will see the following things below.
1 Overview of Texinfo
2 Writing a Texinfo File
3 Beginning and Ending a Texinfo File
4 Nodes
5 Chapter Structuring
6 Cross-references
7 Marking Text, Words and Phrases
8 Quotations and Examples
9 Lists and Tables
10 Special Displays
11 Indices
12 Special Insertions
13 Forcing and Preventing Breaks
14 Definition Commands
15 Internationalization
16 Conditionally Visible Text
17 Defining New Texinfo Commands
18 Include Files
19 Formatting and Printing Hardcopy
20 texi2any: The Generic Translator for Texinfo
21 Creating and Installing Info Files
22 Generating HTML
Appendix A @-Command Details
Appendix B Tips and Hints
Appendix C Sample Texinfo Files
Appendix D Using Texinfo Mode
Appendix E Page Headings
Appendix F Catching Mistakes
Appendix G Info Format Specification
Appendix H GNU Free Documentation License
You will find all this section offline without any internet connection and learn TexInfo easily anywhere and anytime.