速報APP / 健康塑身 / myrealbuzz






版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本





myrealbuzz is the accompanying application to the fastest growing health and fitness website, realbuzz.com. Free to join and use, myrealbuzz is a must-have for anyone interested in fitness and active living.

myrealbuzz will help you train, track and boost your fitness. Here are just some of the features and benefits myrealbuzz brings:

• Tap and train - use myrealbuzz to record your activity

If you love running, cycling or walking you can use myrealbuzz to record all your activities with GPS. You can save any activity and keep track of how you are progressing over time.

• Routes and results - all your activities mapped with performance info

Every activity you track and save will provide you with key stats, like distance covered, speed, pace and calories burned. Any new PRs you achieve will also be saved as distance records.


• Add photos, make fitness memories

Make memories of your routes and activities with photos you take before, during or after your workouts or training session.

• Keep tabs on your kit

You can add your kit and gear items to your kit library to keep track of how many miles ran in your training shoes or covered on your favourite bike.

• Track your weight, body fat and body measurements

Use the weight tracker to follow your weight over time, set a weight goal and track your body fat %. You can also see your fitness gains by keeping track of key body measurements such as chest, waist, hips and thighs.


• Join challenges with expert training plans to guide you to your goal

Challenge yourself by embarking on a health or fitness challenge. There are over 60 challenges including event, sports specific and simple lifestyle challenges. All challenges come with complete training plans written by experts to develop your fitness and guide you to your goal. It doesn’t matter if you are a completely new to fitness or more advanced, there are beginner, intermediate and advanced plans to choose from.

• Document your fitness journey in a blog

Start a blog to track your progress in whatever challenge you set yourself. You can save and share your training highs and see how our inspiring community can support you on your fitness journey.

• Connect with the community

You can connect with other members of our inspiring fitness community, keep track of their activity and support one another on your fitness journey.


If you are new to fitness or looking to advance with a new challenge, myrealbuzz is the perfect companion to your fitness journey.
