速報APP / 遊戲 / The Newborn World

The Newborn World





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



The Newborn World(圖1)-速報App

The Newborn World is a multi-player game for 3 to 5 players, played with an Android tablet. All players must be co-located around a table as storytelling is done orally and the gameplay requires the tablet to be passed around for players' secret actions (e.g. voting). A player's goal is to have specific deities in their secret agenda become ascendant; deities become ascendant based on words prominent in the best stories voted by the most players.

The Newborn World(圖2)-速報App

The game is played as a sequence of events, starting from the Origin event and ending after three Eras (i.e. 10 events) are completed. To decide the story and outcome of each event, each player has to select words for the event's gaps, then narrate a story based on the event and words, and then vote among all players' stories. After all players have taken turns voting, the story with the most votes is revealed by the application, and it becomes part of the history which must be continued in the next event.

The Newborn World(圖3)-速報App

Read the rules either within the app itself, or find them online at http://thenewbornworld.antoniosliapis.com/game.html

The Newborn World(圖4)-速報App