速報APP / 商業 / Pro Dental

Pro Dental



檔案大小:5.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Pro Dental(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to Pro Dental App. Following are some of the great features of our latest mobile app. We are always keeping ahead of technology in ensuring better patient engagement and improved communications.


Easy communication with the clinic: Request appointment in couple of clicks

Don’t wait for a week now to schedule an appointment, check out the app to view the available slots and schedule yourself in few clicks.

Pro Dental(圖2)-速報App

Check upcoming appointments and past appointments in single click

Add appointments to your calendar in couple of clicks

Send us feedback: we always want to improve.

Checkout our coupons - we give out timely specials to our loyal patients.

Pro Dental(圖3)-速報App

Keep our information handy: clinic address, phone, directions and share clinic on social media.

So don’t wait, download our app and take advantage of our unique offers today.

Pro Dental(圖4)-速報App
