速報APP / 個人化 / BL Essentials Icon Pack

BL Essentials Icon Pack





版本需求:Android 2.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:2BIG s.r.o. Chelčického 686 Rosice 53351 Pardubice Czech Republic

BL Essentials Icon Pack(圖1)-速報App

Change the look of the BIG Launcher with this additional set of custom icons.

* This theme can be used with the latest version of BIG Launcher (http://bit.ly/BIGLauncher) or BIG Launcher FREE DEMO (http://bit.ly/BIGLauncherFREE). This is not a standalone app.

BL Essentials Icon Pack(圖2)-速報App

* Themes can be memory intensive, do not use them on a low-end devices!

* To use custom icons, go to the Preferences -> Customize buttons and screens.

* Watch the video tutorials or read the user manual at our website http://biglauncher.com

Feel free to contact us (contact@biglauncher.com) in case of any problems. Thank you!