速報APP / 攝影 / Waitchat




檔案大小:39.2 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 10.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Waitchat is a social app that makes it possible for you to send photos, text, and videos into the future!

Hi, this is Waitchat

Waitchat is here to bring you fun :-). It's great how entertaining it can be to send photos or videos to your friends and make them wait for an hour to open it.

All you need to do is to cr8, w8 and have fun.

Waitchat comes with a great list of useful features:

- Make a photo or video, write a message, choose your contact person, set the date and time in the future your message will be available.


- Choose when your message becomes available. For example, a week or a year from now.

- Choose how long your message will be available. For example, for ten minutes or ten hours.

- You can also add friends, chat with them, draw or write on photos etc.

- You can delete your messages manually.

Isn’t it both great and exciting to get a message and have to wait to see it next Friday? You just can’t wait. The more you wait, the more you’re going to enjoy it.

Make sure your messages get the full attention of people you’re sending it to with Waitchat. Your messages aren’t going to be seen and forgotten in a matter of seconds.


Let your photos, videos, and messages travel into the future with Waitchat.