速報APP / 教育 / For kid's Read and write,abacus senior

For kid's Read and write,abacus senior



檔案大小:19.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


For kid's Read and write,abacus senior(圖1)-速報App

No need to hesitate,the more you spend, the more income you want.

"3R's", " Read,wRite and aRithmetic" for kids is the same saying with Japanese "yomi(read),kaki(write)soroban(abacus). (See icon)

Children will learn how to read and write by using a play-thing.

For kid's Read and write,abacus senior(圖2)-速報App

In modern times, they can do it by using the keyboard,drawing screen and the calculator in iPhone. The keyboard shows correct spelling and you can refer to the dictionary in iPhone easily.Do not need a teacher, and calculator,no mistake,also accurate.

This app has 2 thick and thin lines of Drawing screen,white (eraser substitute), black, red, blue, green, yellow. Painting written on the screen is only stored temporarily by touching backupImage button,and when retuning from outside,you can restore by the restore button. So save the canvas painting by pressing both the sleep button and home button if you want to keep it for permanent use.

17 textfield locations offers a simple pocket money notepad function,and one of which can be seen in big character for some complex Chinese characters. When you fill in, the keyboard comes out from the bottom, but retracted when using the calculator, when it was disturbed, by touching the two places,Total1, Retract the red character.

For kid's Read and write,abacus senior(圖3)-速報App

Calculator addition and subtraction, 2 + 2 + not use the "=" ,the answer is out with 4,and continue to be calculated. Answer comes out at one time once by touching "=" in division, the multiplication. Be sure to fresh start by pressing the "clear" before calculating.

You can slide up and down the entire screen, can change the position by that time.

After "zoom" setting of iPhone in advance, it may be possible to increase the screen with a double touch of three fingers.

For kid's Read and write,abacus senior(圖4)-速報App

Note to press the, "Done" button whenever you fill texts in the textfield. If you do not, do not remember.

If you use the device well,it may well perform the role of human adult. Please enjoy.

For kid's Read and write,abacus senior(圖5)-速報App
