速報APP / 生活品味 / Bride Face Changer

Bride Face Changer





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Bride Face Changer(圖1)-速報App

This app contains the most famous Bridal Gowns worn across the globe;

Select a Bridal Gown, select your photo from gallery, adjust your face and save. Done!

Bride Face Changer(圖2)-速報App

Every girl dreams of the perfect wedding day and you cannot have the perfect wedding ceremony without a wedding dress fit to match its splendor. Here are more than 50 breathtaking wedding dresses to turn your dream wedding into a reality.

Dear future brides we are sure that you will find 'The dream Gown' for your wedding ceremony

Bride Face Changer(圖3)-速報App

This application has many Bridal Gown images for you to try, every time you start the application Bridal Gowns are shuffled, even some hidden Bridal Gowns are displayed, more you use the app more Bridal Gowns you will find.

Once you select your photo, App remembers it for next Bridal Gown.

Bride Face Changer(圖4)-速報App

This app also doubles up as face changer, face swap, dress up app keep updating for more Bridal Gowns and fun!

Bride Face Changer(圖5)-速報App