速報APP / 遊戲 / Tabernacle-2




檔案大小:68.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



Tabernacle-2 bible trivia games offers intrigue and challenge as players respond, to the best of their ability, to a variety of randomly selected bible events, referenced by corresponding verses. The application presents game sessions of 30 quizzes each, with up to 50 bible images and verses available to the sessions. The game trivia questions are developed from specific events described in the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible, King James version.

Each correct answer submitted by the player receives 100 points. The main objective is to meet the target score of 3000 points possible in each game session. A secondary objective is to meet or beat the highest prevailing score (Hi Score) established by the player during sessions played. Because this is a random quiz game, questions and images may be repeated multiple times during each session. While offering the player an additional opportunity to get it right, repetition also serves to reinforce the player’s understanding of particular events.

The player’s highest score will always be displayed at the top of the game page to remind the player of the challenge at hand. Each correct answer receives a soft chime, and each incorrect answer receives a dull beep. The game session ends with a clear applause and an invitation to player to play another session.

If you are unimpressed with your usual trivia applications, download Tabernacle-2 today for a unique, unparalleled, and exciting trivia experience on your iPhone mobile device.

Good Luck on your spiritual mission!


- Perfect for enthusiastic trivia game players with sharp, biblical retention.


- Randomly presents 30 bible quizzes with attractive illustrative images.

- Intuitive and easy to understand and enjoy; may also be addictive.

- Immediate audio feedback and on-page instructions as you play the game.

- Player score is displayed immediately after each trivia is answered.

- Player high score is updated and displayed at the top of the page.

Credit extended to freebibleimages.org and Keith A. Thomas for permission to use specific graphic illustrations in this application.


Grab your own Tabernacle-2 for your iPhone, available at the App Store Now!

Visit: https://www.biznizcamp.com for more educational-entertainment games.
