速報APP / 健康塑身 / NHT Global

NHT Global





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



NHT Global(圖1)-速報App

Stay connected with NHT Global at home, at work, and on the go. The NHT Global app is your one-stop destination for the latest news, events happening nearby and members-only services.

NHT Global(圖2)-速報App

Note: You must be a member in order to fully use this app.

NHT Global(圖3)-速報App


NHT Global(圖4)-速報App

News – Catch up with the latest news, updates and members only content in just a few minutes.

NHT Global(圖5)-速報App

Events – Keep tabs on all events happening around you. You can add them to your calendar so you don’t miss a thing.

NHT Global(圖6)-速報App

Messages – Receive personal messages and friendly reminders from our customer support.

NHT Global(圖7)-速報App

Notifications – Receive instant update of news, events and messages while the app is not in use.