速報APP / 購物 / FORCE



檔案大小:42.6 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


FORCE is the mobile app. It helps merchandisers, store managers, free agents make reports about availability and conditions of goods in supermarket. In the app you can make a foto for your reports and control right location of merchandiser.

The app gets information about routes, shop's address after a first synchronization.

You need to login using login "dddd" and password "1234" and use " увійти" button, after that you will see synchronization process bar,

you get the info about you clients and route for 4 days

(use Button "Маршрути")

(Use Button "Увійти у" )

After that you should choose a client and press “До звіту ”.


Then you should choose any catalog instead off “Повідомлення”, put an any information, save the report. If you want make fotos, you must press the button “Зробити фото”.

Also app provides you information about:

- merchandiser's task – button “Задачі”

- reclamation – button “Рекламації”

- etc.

New information fill up to these day sending to the website after secondary synchronization.

Seller: Oleksii Kondratiuk


Version 1.4

Size 40 Mb

Compatibility : iPhone 5 , iPhone 6

Languages: Russian, Ukraine

Seller: Oleksii Kondratiuk

Version 1.4

Size 40 Mb


Compatibility : iPhone 5 , iPhone 6

Languages: Russian, Ukraine

