速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Francois Boucher Artworks Stickers

Francois Boucher Artworks Stickers


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版本需求:需要 iOS 10.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Francois Boucher Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 70 stickers of Francois Boucher Artworks Stickers. Add them to your iMessage and use this masterspieces to customize your message. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Head of King Louis XV

- Rinaldo and Armida

- The Rape of Europa

- Young Woman with Flowers in Her Hair wrongly called Portrait of Madame Boucher

- Hercules and Omfala

- The Painter in his Studio

- Charms of Country Life

- Seated Nude

- Breakfast

- Head of a Woman from Behind

- Landscape near Beauvais early

- Portrait of Carl Gustaf Tessin

- The Birth and Triumph of Venus

- Leda and the Swan

- Diana getting out of her bath

- Portrait of the artist`s wife

- Jupiter and Callisto

- The Wedding of Psych et de l`Amour

- Diana after the Hunt

- Portrait of Madame Boucher

- The Modiste

- The Abduction of Europe

- They Thinking About the Grape

- The Fountain of Love

- An Autumn Pastoral

- Odalisque

- Summer Pastoral

- Apollo Revealing his Divinity to the Shepherdess Isse

- Birth of Venus

- Landscape with the brother Lucas

- Portrait of Louis Philippe of Orléans

- The interrupted sleep

- The Light of the World

- Marquise de Pompadour

- Woman's Head

Francois Boucher Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- The Bridge

- The Mill

- The Toilet of Venus

- Fishing

- Portrait of Marie-Louis O’Murphy (Nude on a Sofa)

- The Setting of the Sun

- Venus and Cupid

- The Rising of the Sun

- Amor a prisoner

- Mars and Venus

- Venus and Vulcan

- Madame de Pompadour

- Vulcan Presenting Arms to Venus for Aeneas

- Madame de Pompadour

- Pan and Syrinx

- Adoration of the Magi

- Portrait of the artist`s daughter

- Young Woman Sleeping

- Geniuses of arts

- Shepherd and Shepherdess Reposing

- Venus Restraining Cupid

- Madame Bergeret

- St. Peter Invited to Walk on the Water

- Landscape with Kirschpflückerin

- Lady with an Umbrella

- Portrait of a Lady with Muff

- Pygmalion and Galatea

- Rinaldo and Armida

- River Landscape with Ruin and Bridge

- The Enchanted Home A Pastoral Landscape Surmounted by Cupid

- The Rest on the Flight into Egypt

- The beautiful kitchen

- The Chinese Garden

- The Toilet

- Venus

- Venus comforts Amor

Francois Boucher Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- Young Woman with a Bouquet of Roses

支援平台:iPhone, iPad