速報APP / 醫療 / DrOmnibus Preschool

DrOmnibus Preschool



檔案大小:1.8 GB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.1 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


DrOmnibus Preschool(圖1)-速報App


DrOmnibus Preschool is an application supporting the development of preschool children, designed with a view to the needs and opportunities of those that struggle with disorders such as autism, Down’s syndrome, or intellectual disabilities. The software can be successfully utilized by integrated preschool institutions.

This solution includes:

DrOmnibus Preschool(圖2)-速報App

- a few hundred tasks collected within 10 games, each of which helps practice a specific skill (e.g. communication, differentiation, emotion recognition, cognitive skills), all of them exercising concentration, attention maintenance,

- visual and motor coordination, as well as memory,

- progress monitoring system, instant messaging system for caregivers,

DrOmnibus Preschool(圖3)-速報App

- organizer for therapists and teachers,

- game editor,

- school management system allowing you to create 25 individual accounts for children and an unlimited number of accounts for teachers and caregivers.

DrOmnibus Preschool(圖4)-速報App

DrOmnibus Preschool has been designed by a team of child psychologists, therapists, and educators who work with children with development and behavior disorders on a daily basis. The quality of the solution is ensured by Fundacja Hipoterapia – Na Rzecz Rehabilitacji Dzieci Niepełnosprawnych [Hippotherapy Foundation – For the Rehabilitation of Disabled Children], which has 25 years of experience conducting comprehensive child therapy.

The application has been recognized with a Mobile Trends Award in the category of Education.

DrOmnibus Preschool(圖5)-速報App
