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SE A+ Core 2 Practice Tests


檔案大小:11.1 MB

版本需求:macOS 10.14 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


SE A+ Core 2 Practice Tests(圖1)-速報App

SimulationExams.com A+Core 2 Practice Tests for Mac: This application is an practice tests simulator which provides 250+ practice questions for learning, practice and test your preparation for 220-1002 CompTIA A+ Core 2 exam.

Exam Simulator covers latest A+ Core 2 certification exam objectives, including Operating Systems, Security, Software Troubleshooting and Operational Procedures

SE A+ Core 2 Practice Tests(圖2)-速報App

Question Types Supported :

a. Multiple choice single answer

SE A+ Core 2 Practice Tests(圖3)-速報App

b. Multiple choice multiple answer

c. Exhibit type

SE A+ Core 2 Practice Tests(圖4)-速報App


d. Text and Image Drag and Drop (Performance based)

SE A+ Core 2 Practice Tests(圖5)-速報App

Some main features of the application:

1. Include 250+ highly relevant questions

SE A+ Core 2 Practice Tests(圖6)-速報App

2. Flash cards for each question.

3. Various question types (MCSA,MCMA,Exhibit,true/false,performance based)

SE A+ Core 2 Practice Tests(圖7)-速報App

4. Category wise scoring and reporting.

5. Configuration of exam to change the maximum time, score, pass percentage and permitted buttons while taking exam.

SE A+ Core 2 Practice Tests(圖8)-速報App

6. Review feature after taking simulated exam allows you to understand the incorrect answers and explanation for the question.

Disclaimer: CompTIA®, CompTIA A+® are registered trademarks of CompTIA® organisation and duly acknowledged. Simulationexams.com is not associated with CompTIA® and the practice tests are copyright of simulationexams.com.

SE A+ Core 2 Practice Tests(圖9)-速報App