




版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




It’s no secret the way we do business has dramatically changed in recent years. No

longer in the hands of giant corporations, almost anyone can tap into the sharing

economy and make money, but as of yet there has been no single platform that

offers all of these things at once.

Enter Panta Group. With the aim to revolutionise the way we live, Panta Group have

created Borrow , their first in a long line of things planned for humanity. Its an app that

is designed to let you capitalise on the sharing economy from the comfort of your

own home.

The appeal lies in its huge portfolio of Items , Services and Experiences . Instead of

focusing on a single service, Borrow is changing up the game by offering everything

in one place. Through this new platform you can lend your things, hire items from

others, start making deliveries, offer your skilled services and create experiences for

anyone in your community.

It’s basically one giant library that’s designed to be shared within your community:

you can list everything from designer shoes to cars, boats and houses. But here’s

where it gets extra special; you can also list your skills, trades, businesses,

packages, deals and experiences on Borrow so that anyone in your area can easily

book you.

Say for example you’re an amazing chef, you can list your skills – say a three course

meal cooked at home – someone can hire you to do what you love. Or perhaps you


are throwing a party, but need extra chairs? Simply log in and search for everything

you are missing, borrow it and someone will also deliver it to your door that same


Delivery plays a huge part here, simply create an account on borrow (it takes 60

seconds) and toggle on the “make money delivering” in your profile page and you will

begin receiving notifications for delivery jobs in your area. The bonus? You get to

keep 100% of the delivery fee!

An easy way to earn a extra cash, Borrow will soon rival share economy giants such

as Uber, Airbnb and Deliveroo with really competitive prices. And unlike other apps,

Borrow has a verification system that guarantees security. By partnering up with

greenID, users must supply government-issued identification. This makes sure you

definitely know the person you’re dealing with really is who they say they are. For

further security, each borrower must agree to your listing rules and requirements. You

can also choose to add theft, damage and loss cover to your items for a tiny fee

you’ll never have to think about.

Finally, Borrow has the appeal that the entire sharing economy has tapped into, but

magnified. Users can have the satisfaction of sharing resources and cutting down on

consumption. For some, doing this while making money just sweetens the deal.

In short, Borrow’s appeal is so strong because it does indeed offer everything. As

Panta Group’s CEO, David Kahale, says about the driving force behind Borrow: ‘The


aim of the app is to eliminate the idea of working in order to make money.’ You can’t

argue with that.