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E. BOSTROEM ― De VOCABULIS GRAECIS apud PLAUTUM. A Thesis for the Doctorate in Philosophy. New York 1902. (G. E. Stechert, Agent) [238 main and 234 secondary entries]

HOMONYMA LINGUAE LATINAE, or Words similar in Sound but different in Sense, arranged in Alphabetical Order, with their respective Meanings, and Illustrated with Examples from the Latin Classics. ― By THOMAS SWINBURNE CARR, Author of the “Manual of Roman Antiquities,” and one of the classical masters of King’s College School. ― LONDON: A. Schloss, 42, Great Russell Street, (opposite the British Museum.) 1838. [754 main and 1628 secondary entries]

De PETRONII Sermone. Scripsit I. A. CESAREO. Romae, apud Boccas, mdccclxxxvii. [250 main and 394 secondary entries]

DÖDERLEIN’S HAND‑BOOK of LATIN SYNONYMES. Translated by Rev. H. H. Arnold B. A. With an Introduction by S. H. Taylor LL. D. ANDOVER: Warren F. Draper, main street. 1875. [2194 main and 1549 secondary entries]

ENGLISH‑GREEK LEXICON containing all words in general use with their various significations classified. By Henry R. HAMILTON. Twelfth Edition. London, Crosby Lockwood and Co., 7, Stationers’ Hall Court, Ludgate Hill, 1884. [16101 main and 23528 secondary entries]

A HANDBOOK of LATIN HOMONYMS, comprising the Homonyms of Caesar, Nepos, Sallust, Cicero, Virgil, Horace, Terence, Tacitus and Livy, by GEORGE B. HUSSEY, Ph. D. (J. H. U.) ― Benj. H. Sanborn & Co. Boston U. S. A. 1905. [1333 main entries]

Notes on the Meaning and Use of some LATIN ADVERBS and CONJUNCTIONS as exemplified in Ciceros’s De Senectute. [A. C. WHITE] ITHACA, N.Y. andrus & church, 1888. [154 main and 214 secondary entries]


[fr.: vocabulary] CICERО DE AMICITIA edited by A. H. ALLCROFT, M. A. Oxon., author of “Latin Composition”, editor of Vergil’s Aeneid, Horace’ Odes, Cicero De Senectute, etc. and W. F. MASOM, M. A. Lond. and Camb., editor of Tacitus’ Annals I., II., Livy III., VI., Herodotus VI. London: W. B. Clive, University Tutorial Press Ld., High St. New Oxford St. W. C. [1890]. [607 main and 569 secondary entries]

[fr.: vocabulary] Univ. Corr. Coll. Tutorial Series. ― CICERO DE AMICITIA with introduction, notes &c. by the Editors of “Cicero Pro Balbo”. [S. MOSES and G. F. H. SYKES] London: W. B. Clive & Co., Univ. Corr. Coll. Press Warehouse, Booksellers Row, Strand, W. C. [1900]. [509 main and 487 secondary entries]

[fr.: vocabulary] CICERO PRO ARCHIA, edited by A. H. ALLCROFT, M. A. Oxon., author of “Latin Composition”, editor of Vergil’s Aeneid, Horace’ Odes, Cicero De Senectute, De Amicitia, etc. and F. G. PLAISTOWE, M. A. Lond. and Camb., gold medallist in classics, late fellow of Queens’ College, Cambridge editor of Horace’ Satires, Tacitus’ Annals II., etc. London: W. B. Clive, University Tutorial Press Ld., High St. New Oxford St. W. C. [1892]. [511 main and 506 secondary entries]

[fr.] [ERNESTUS] M. TULLII CICERONIS OPERA OMNIA, ex recensione Jo. Aug. ERNESTI, qui et notas suas adjecit. Voluminis Secundi Pars Secunda. ORATIONES. OXONII, Excudebat Collingwood et socii. Prostant venales apud W. H. Lunn, J. Mackinlay, J. Mawman, W. Miller, T. Payne, R. H. Evans, J. Faulder, Londini; et J. Cooke, J. Parker, Oxonii. mdcccx. [86 main and 29 secondary entries]

[fr.] A LATIN GRAMMAR for Schools and Colleges by Albert HARKNESS, Ph. D., LL. D., professor in Brown University. Revised Standard Edition. New York · Cincinnati · Chicago: American Book Company. 1909. [67 main and 219 secondary entries]

[fr.] Delectus COMMENTARIORUM in M. T. CICERONIS Opera Omnia, ad editionem Jo. Aug. ERNESTI accommodatus. Ex editione JOSEPHI OLIVETI. Tom. I. Londini: Typis excudit J. F. Dove; prostant venales apud R. Priestley. mdcccxix. [83 main and 22 secondary entries]

VERBILOGUS (version: 1.0) DATABASE: 52266 main and secondary entries (22887 main and 29379 secondary)

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