速報APP / 醫療 / icMED.Mobile






版本需求:Android 因裝置而異





Secured patient access to its own essential electronic medical records provided by the health service providers using the icMED platform.

The patient can view in real time the own electronic prescriptions written by doctors, with details about each drug, including warnings for how long the chronic drugs will be enough.

The patient can check the results of laboratory tests, with highlight of reference values and trend. Additionally, results of imagistic, ultrasound and radiology exams can be viewed, including the possibility to download images, if available.

With 10 years of history and more than 6.500 doctors from all over Romania, the icMED network is the largest medical network where patient can book appointments using the icMED.Mobile application.


By using the documents upload functionality, you can easily upload images or share other medical documents to your icMED electronic file.

icMED.Mobile is one of the few medical apps which provides technical support through a dedicated service center.

To can use the app you will need to login by using your unique patient credentials. These can be provided for free by any health service provider from the icMED network.

The icMED.Mobile app is under continous improvement, so don’t forget to check the updates to get the most out of its new features.

Beside Romania, icMED.Mobile will be available in the future in other countries as well, where the icMED system is currently used by health service providers.