速報APP / 教育 / Perfect Structure

Perfect Structure


檔案大小:29.5 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.2 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

Perfect Structure(圖1)-速報App

Since its inception BlackSea Labs has been involved in the development of intuitive and powerful

applications and tools for the benefit of engineers. We are dedicated to providing superb software to

our valued users dispersed across the globe.

Perfect Engineer is our latest app for the design of reinforced concrete columns and beams according to

various design norms and with multi-language support. We hope you will enjoy using it and highly

appreciate your valuable feedback.

Perfect Structure is the ultimate tool for engineers to design and check the load bearing capacity of

reinforced concrete members. Test your structure on the go! With its intuitive and contemporary

interface, Perfect Structure brings the best of UX to your mobile phones and tablets. Chose any from a

choice of 5 design codes and 2 units system. Supported design codes include ACI 318, EC 2, BS

8110, SP 13330 and TS 500. Execute your design in seconds and receive the results in PDF format. Share your calculation report with your colleagues over the internet. Fast and flexible, Perfect

Structure is the everyday tool for the perfect engineer who wants to have the mobility of a smartphone

or a tablet without a compromise. Just launch your Perfect Structure app, use the buttons on the main

screen for a column or a beam, select the section type, enter the dimension and load data, assign steel

and concrete grades and leave the rest to your app by hitting the “Calculate” button. The results will be

ready in moments with a clear and concise results screen. Then, select the PDF output

option if you’d like to send the results to others, save the report in your project folder.

Share your calculation report with your colleagues over the internet. Fast and flexible,

Use the settings page for a variety of options from user

Perfect Structure(圖2)-速報App

feedback to design code selection. See how your design complies with the design codes by getting the

design check results according to the relevant code. Try and test different rebar arrangements and

member dimensions to get to the optimal configuration. Easily be informed if there are any warnings,

insufficient section or rebar area. Override the steel or concrete characteristics to include special grades

and strengths into your design. Phenomenally easy to use and flexible, Perfect Structure will get you to

the result in a matter of seconds with a top-notch user experience.

Perfect Structure is the everyday tool for the perfect engineer.

Key Features:

- Modern and User Friendly Design

- Ad Free! (with in-app purchases)

- 5 Design Codes: ACI 318, Eurocode 2, BS 8110, SP 13330 and TS 500

- 2 Units Systems: Metric (SI) & Imperial

- PDF Output

- RC Column Section Types: Rectangular, Circular, Hallow Rectangular and Hallow Circular

- RC Beam Section Types: Rectangular, T-beam, I-beam, Box-beam (Hollow Core)

- Design of both singly and doubly reinforced beams

- Draw interaction diagram for columns

- Checks given reinforcement against given loads and section parameters OR calculates optimal

reinforcement amount against given loads

- Calculates and checks both flexural reinforcement and shear reinforcement

- No internet connection necessary to do the calculations!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad