速報APP / 遊戲 / Lazors - Hooked Matchstick Puzzledom

Lazors - Hooked Matchstick Puzzledom





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Lazors - Hooked Matchstick Puzzledom(圖1)-速報App

Lazors is a classic hooked game where you must solve yarn matchstick puzzles by moving, adding or removing matches to find the right results!

Puzzle type includes completing squares, triangles or solving math equations.

This game will really train your brain and is suitable for all ages. Keep your mind active with this classic matches game!

--== Features ==--

- 12 episodes with over 3600 levels in total.

Lazors - Hooked Matchstick Puzzledom(圖2)-速報App

- Minimalist design.

- Ask friends for help when you are stuck.

- Useful hints when no one else can help.

--== Instructions ==--

- To remove a matchstick : Tap on it.

- To add a matchstick: Tap on an empty place holder.

- To move a matchstick: Tap on a match stick to remove it first then tap on an empty place holder to add it.