速報APP / 生產應用 / Mendeley






版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:3251 Riverport Lane Maryland Heights, MO 63043


What is Mendeley?

Mendeley is a free reference manager and PDF reader designed for researchers, students, and academics. Whether you're writing your dissertation, organising your literature for easy retrieval, or need to read journal articles on the go, Mendeley can help.


• Annotate PDFs with sticky notes and highlights


• Search your library for keywords in the Title, Authors, Publication or Abstract

• Sync annotations & documents across all your devices

• Save PDFs to your Mendeley library from other apps or your web browser

• Use Mendeley offline during your commute, and sync when you have connection


• Download or remove PDFs on demand, to easily manage device storage space

Sync your library across all your devices

Everything you add or annotate from your phone or tablet is synced back to Mendeley Desktop, where you can generate citations and bibliographies while writing your dissertation or latest research in Microsoft Word or LibreOffice. Need to change the citation style half way through writing? Mendeley does this for you in seconds, and supports over 7000 citation styles, including popular styles such as APA 6th, IEEE, Nature, Harvard, Chicago, AMA, and Vancouver.

New to Mendeley?


Create a free account at http://www.mendeley.com and download Mendeley Desktop to easily import your existing library from Endnote, Refworks, Zotero, Readcube or RefMe. If you've just got a folder of PDFs, simply drag and drop them into Mendeley Desktop. It's that easy!

"What [Mendeley] are up to is boldly innovative. The Mendeley team is attempting nothing less than changing the way scientists conduct and share their research." - Wired
