速報APP / 商業 / EaseYourBiz




檔案大小:6.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



EaseYourBiz is first ever Emotional Wellness App to Happify Businesses. EaseYourBiz is a gamified platform to enhance employee engagement & collaboration by making them feel valued and appreciated.

What problem is EYB solving?

1. People going through negative experiences cannot deliver positive results.

2. Dissatisfied internal customers cannot deliver great customer experiences.

How is EYB solving these two problems?

EaseYourBiz has developed a gamified solution to convert workplaces into positive experience zones in 3 simple steps.

1. Everyday bite size training on Emotional Intelligence to help people build Credibility,

Trust and Likeability to improve relationships with peers, managers, and leaders.


2. A simplified & objectified peer to peer appreciation platform to energise and inspire

their daily actions impacting the business results positively.

3. Monthly Internal Customer Survey is a continuous improvement model to optimise

department wise delivery to their internal customers.

Why would people like to use it?

Action oriented platform of EaseYourBiz is designed & developed with following features for easier adoption:

- Gamification

- Leaderboard


- Reward Wallet

- Reward Redemption Mechanism

- Customised reports on demand

How would clients get benefited?

EaseYourBiz lets you create an organisation that is admired by employees & customers thereby:

1. Maximise individual's productivity

2. Build synergy between the teams

3. Continuous improvement in quality of goods & services


4. Enhance customer loyalty

How to use the app?

You need to be a registered business customer with Ease Your Biz Pvt Ltd. If you are a new user you can easily contact us at EaseYourBiz email or website to register your company and start using the app. If your company is a registered user, just download the app, use existing user ID & Password and start using.

