速報APP / 商業 / CEOdeck




檔案大小:40.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:波蘭文, 英語


All your numbers in one place, instantly updated, available wherever you go. That's CEOdeck.

- Simplest way to view your numbers in a real time

- Powerfull tool to get the numbers you want from your employees

- Great way to share your numbers with other people ( even if they don't have CEOdeck app )


- Splendid integration methods to supply your app with numbers from your current IT system.

- Superb way to watch trends and charts of a single or combined numbers

- Amazing way to build groups of numbers supplied from different people

- Innovative way to communicate with people in your groups by push messages


- and much more...

It's also a business network. You can search our catalog with thousands of numbers shared by others.

- You can subscribe numbers from different companies or people.

- You can watch how they change in time and build your opinion about the owner


- You can publish your own number and build network around it. Why? to build trust and transparency

CEO deck is a perfect tool for every entrepreneur and manager.


支援平台:iPhone, iPad