速報APP / 遊戲 / Masquerade






版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




A simple game of pretence for three players.

Two players share a trait (e.g. both are male, or both sports fans) while the third player does not (e.g. she is a woman, or doesn’t follow any team). One of the two players that share the trait becomes the judge and must question the others to identify the pretender.

Sound easy? You'd be surprised.

Play this game to see how good you are at spotting who is passing themselves off as someone else or to see if you know enough about the other two player’s lives to pretend to be someone you’re not.

Based on a Victorian parlour game adapted by Alan Turing for his 'Turing Test' for artificial intelligence and developed from cutting edge social science research at Cardiff University.

Masquerade has three modes of play:


- a tutorial with a few sample questions and answers

- a single round game where a judge asks questions to try to identify the pretender

- a three player, three-round game where you compete against your friends to identify the pretender and play a pretend role yourself

Masquerade can be played by either three players sharing one device or between three separate devices over the Internet.


This App is for entertainment purposes only. No warranties are given (or implied) unless otherwise explicitly stated.


Please refer to the terms of the end-user licence agreement (“EULA”) at [http://blogs.cf.ac.uk/imgame], this shall apply to you and your use of the Masquerade App (“App”). You should print or save a copy of the EULA for future reference.

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•this disclaimer;

•the EULA; and

•any rules or policies applied by any appstore provider or operator from whose site you downloaded the App, (together “the Applicable Rules”).

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This App has not been developed to meet user’s individual requirements. The App is supplied for domestic and private use only. Outputs from the App should not be relied upon in any way as a basis for making decisions or pursuing a course of action. This App is not intended as a substitute for appropriate professional advice or guidance.

Users of the App are reminded to use the App responsibly and sensibly. You shall not use the App in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purposes. You shall not use the App to transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable. Users of the App accept all responsibility and liability for information and/or questions entered into the App. Cardiff University accepts no responsibility on any account whatsoever for any offence or distress caused to any person arising in any way from the use of the App or any information entered into it.
