速報APP / 生產應用 / Location Tracker

Location Tracker





版本需求:Android 1.5 以上版本




Location Tracker(圖1)-速報App

This application is part of the tracking service located on http://www.geotrack24.com/

Location Tracker will turn your Smartphone into Tracking Device.

Location Tracker(圖2)-速報App

First you need to register at this site and then to connect your device to the service. See how to do it here http://www.geotrack24.com/support-androidsetupinstructions

Use any GPS enabled Android device to track your fleet of trucks, cars or remote workers. Automates your paperwork, tracks your fleet and staff and calculates payroll all in one app service.

With this tracking service you can track whatever you want.

You can define violation zones and becomes alerts, if the device enter or exit them. You can define speed alerts, time out alerts. You can share your information with any person with trackingID functionality.