速報APP / 醫療 / Cardiopulmonary Sounds - Real sounds

Cardiopulmonary Sounds - Real sounds





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Cardiopulmonary Sounds - Real sounds(圖1)-速報App

Cardiopulmonary Sounds Plus

Heartbeat only

Normal heart sounds

Heartbeat with breathing

This application is form of two part combined together heart and lungs sounds to make it easier for users. There is also images in the app to enable user to know the point at which the sounds can be heard. The use of head phone or any devices that will make the sounds directed to ear while using the app is advisable. Please rate the app and drop comment on anything that needs to be improve about the App.

cardiopulmonary sounds

cardiopulmonary sounds apk

cardiopulmonary sounds app

cardiopulmonary sounds chart

cardiopulmonary sounds definition

cardiopulmonary sounds diagram

cardiopulmonary sounds effects

cardiopulmonary sounds examples




Normal Inspiration Breathing

Tricuspid regurgitation Holosystolic murmur,

Ventricular sepatal defect Continuous murmur

Acute rheumatic fever Loud first sound

Aortic insufficiency Loud systolic ejection murmur

Aortic insufficiency

Aortic septal defect

Aortic Stenosis

Aortic stenosis Opening snap of aortic valve,

Aortic stenosis

Atrial septal defect Abnormal splitting of

Coarctation of aorta Systolic murmur

Coarctation of the aorta

Complet heart block Slow heart rate,varying first-sound.mp3

Early systolic murmur

Ebstein anomaly

functional or innocent murmur-venous hum

Late systolic murmur


Mitral regurgiation Holosystolic murmur

Mitral regurgiation Late systolic murmur,

Mitral regurgiation Mid systolic click

Mitral regurgiation Third heart sound

Mitral stenosis Opening snap

Mitral regurgiation+Mitral stenosis All sound features-of-mit.mp3

Mitral regurgitation Systolic murmur,

Mitral stenosis Accentuated first sound

Mitral stenosis Presystolic murmur

Mitral stenosis Short, mid-diastolic murmur

Mitral stenosis

Mitral valve stenosis

Cardiopulmonary Sounds - Real sounds(圖2)-速報App

Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Pulmonary stenosis Harsh systolic ejection murmur

Right bundle branch block of first sound

Systemic hypertension Accentuated second sound

Asthma Attack

Bronchial Breath Sounds

Fluid in Lungs

Medium Rowls

More Bronchial Breathing

Plural Friction Rub

normal breathing

expiratory wheeze

polyphonic wheeze

normal bronchial sound

normal tracheal sound

vesicular breathing

bronchial sounds were recorded over the right anterior upper chest

bronchial sounds

crackles and bronchial breathing

crackles Sound

expiratory wheezing

fine crackles 55 years old

fine crackles 55 years old

Grunting premature baby girl

inspiratory squawk and crackles

stridor over the trachea

tracheal sounds

wheezing and coarse crackles

wheezing over trachea

Applications made by developers

Breath Sounds

Heart Sounds

Cardiopulmonary Sounds

Heart Sounds Collection

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Cardiopulmonary Sounds - Real sounds(圖3)-速報App

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We are so happy of our contribution to Medical Field.

Cardiopulmonary Sounds - Real sounds(圖4)-速報App