速報APP / 商業 / Castle Cars Dudley

Castle Cars Dudley



檔案大小:30.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Castle Cars Dudley(圖1)-速報App

Never need to phone up to book your taxi again!

Castle Cars Dudley(圖2)-速報App

You can now book, manage and track your taxi all from the power of your iPhone.

Castle Cars Dudley(圖3)-速報App

Castle Cars Dudley(圖4)-速報App

Should you wish to call us, however, feel free to call us on +44 1384 666666

Castle Cars Dudley(圖5)-速報App

Castle Cars Dudley(圖6)-速報App

*Dispatch of a car to your location is subject to availability.

Disclaimer: This app uses GPS services and continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
