速報APP / 教育 / Korean Alphabet Writing

Korean Alphabet Writing



檔案大小:40.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Korean Alphabet Writing(圖1)-速報App

Korean Alphabet Writing

Korean Alphabet Writing(圖2)-速報App

● Learn Korean Alphabet fast and easy to remember.

Korean Alphabet Writing(圖3)-速報App

● Practice writing with pre-test instructions, making learning extremely fast and effective.

Korean Alphabet Writing(圖4)-速報App

● Korean alphabet, practice with hidden Korean letters.

Korean Alphabet Writing(圖5)-速報App

● You can write anywhere! No longer restricted to writing only when you have paper and pen!

Korean Alphabet Writing(圖6)-速報App

● Check the letters learned with technologies intelligent handwriting recognition.

Korean Alphabet Writing(圖7)-速報App

Functions of the Korean Alphabet Writing

Korean Alphabet Writing(圖8)-速報App

# Learn Hangul

Korean Alphabet Writing(圖9)-速報App

# Writing

# Intelligent check with handwriting recognition technology and accurate test results.

Now download the Korean Alphabet Writing to improve your Korean!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad