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Excerpt from "Baidu Encyclopedia _ biorhythm"

1946, the Swedish businessman George Tom heard one of his friends Hans Friedrich grace after a train collision accident, the driver and fireman of calculating accident two trains on biological rhythms, unexpectedly three of the biological rhythms found in the "critical period", another biological rhythm is at the "low tide." A year later, along with another almost similar thing happened. George in the calculation of the accident the driver and fireman of biological rhythms. He was very surprised to find: two biorhythm cycles a driver is in the "low tide" and the other driver and a fireman is in a "critical period" of three biological cycles fourth fireman's all in the "low tide." . George remembered Hans calculations, it seems the relationship between the two persons responsible for the accident results biorhythm accident is not a coincidence. So, George began leaving the business from school and began an in-depth study of biological rhythms aspects. Later, his research quite achievements, also published a study of the book - "This is your days? "

Using the method

How to use "your day"? In fact, people's psychological state is very important. To bring physical, emotional and intellectual changes for instance, the time period in the climax, you should take advantage of their good "racing" state, study hard, work hard, make more contributions. Then if blindly optimistic, will give work and study impact. For example, some car drivers because of careless, and in the height of the car accident.

Similarly, the physical, emotional and intellectual and critical period at a low ebb person, not too tight. Because the psychological state of tension will affect the strength and function of the human brain, so that a further decline in the efficiency of work and study. During this period, adequate rest, exercise and nutrition, attention to the health of the brain, such as brain activity transformed the way, turns learning different content, so that all areas of the brain alternate activities, work and rest, you can make the brain still orderly work, help to improve the efficiency of work and study.

"There is nothing." Grasp the laws of human biological rhythms, is to avoid weaknesses that make it work better, live and learn. Worry is unnecessary, blind optimism is also very harmful.


Personnel engaged in dangerous operations due to low tide when biological rhythms in attention; double height should pay attention to the critical date; triple critical day should be avoided in the relevant dangerous operations; to prevent accidents.

Engaged in intellectual work or study personnel should arrange work schedules, as much as possible to participate in exercise activities at the height of physical, mental and emotional climax in period should pay close attention to the activities engaged in by the brain, so that will be a multiplier effect, work or study efficiency is very high.

Engaged in physical training should be based on athletes' physical, emotional, mental rhythm circumstances, reasonable arrangements for training programs, should take part in the climax of the training, and in the critical days and low tides should be noted that adjustments to avoid an accident and can receive sports Shanghai good good training effect; people to choose the height of the sports physical exercise can achieve good exercise effect.

If couples want family planning, you should see the couple's biological rhythms reference index, select the period of conception as both the height of four or more biological rhythms, for the future of smart baby born healthy great benefit; child's education, parents should also refer to the child's emotional and intellectual rhythms of the height of the child for a reasonable education.

Members should refer to their biological rhythms indicators should avoid emotional quarrel critical day; destroy family harmony.
